Congenital Nasal Deformity

Congenital Nasal Deformity

Can cause some problems. For example, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing can affect normal breathing. Congenital nasal deformity can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to sleep problems. Also, nasal curvature can increase the predisposition to recurrent nasal and sinus infections such as sinusitis.

Nasal curvature is usually congenital, traumas experienced or blows to the nasal area can also lead to nasal curvature. Therefore, if you notice a pronounced nasal curvature, it is important to consult a specialist.

What is Congenital Nasal Deformity?

Treatment options include conservative treatment methods and surgical intervention. Dec. In mild cases, conservative treatments such as nasal sprays or a noseband may be used to relieve symptoms. However, if there is a pronounced nasal curvature or the symptoms are serious, surgical correction may be required. Surgical options may include septoplasty (correction of the nasal septum) or rhinoplasty (correction of the shape of the nose).

Congenital Nasal Deformity If you think that your child has a nasal curvature, it is best to consult a specialist. The specialist will assess his condition and determine the appropriate treatment plan for congenital nasal deformity.

Treatment Methods

Structure of the nose and offer appropriate treatment options. Conservative treatment methods are aimed at alleviating symptoms and may include treatments such as nasal sprays, nasal patches, or allergy medications.

However, if there is a pronounced nasal curvature or if the symptoms are serious, surgical intervention may be required. Surgical options may include correction of the nasal septum (septoplasty) or correction of the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty) Dec.

Which treatment method you ar using for congenital nasal deformity may vary. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist to assess the condition and determine the most appropriate treatment plan. The specialist will provide treatment options that will allow him to breathe healthily and improve his quality of life.
